Young Flute Player Bk 2 Student Flt

Young Flute Player Bk 2 Student Flt

SKU : [YFP2]
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Price : AU $28.95 AU $25.16
This product was updated in our catalog on Saturday 05 August, 2023

Book 2 introduces more advanced rhythms including dotted quaver plus semiquaver and syncopated rhythms, Time signatures 4/4, 3/4, 2/4, C, and 6/8, and scales for First & Second Grade - C major, G major, F major, D major, Bb major, A minor, E minor, D minor, B minor, G minor [all harmonic and melodic], F chromatic, and D chromatic. Dynamics, accent, fermata, tempo markings and expressive terms, first and second time endings, D.C. al Fine, trills are all introduced and accidentals, slurs, legato, staccato, mezzo staccato are all revised. There are 47 exercises and studies including works by North, Köhler, Popp and 58 pieces including traditional tunes and works by Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Brahms and Joplin/ Pitch range is mostly from D below staff to D above staff.

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