With this blues course designed by renowned guitarist John McCarthy, you will develop general guitar basics and a solid foundation for playing the blues. Learn essential blues chords, scales and lead techniques like string bending, vibrato and hammer-ons, pull-offs. John teaches full blues scales with tri-tones, the B.B. Box and how to construct a 12 bar blues progression. He challenges you to learn complete blues solos, riffs and syncopated rhythm progressions. Learn the talk back effect, expansion on a main theme and how to fuse jazz into blues music. Master techniques such as rakes, pick & finger and advanced bending. John shows you blues endings, turnarounds, melodic blues, the circle of fourths, slide techniques and many blues rhythms.
See, Hear, and Apply Each Lesson
On the high density DVD, find two full programs on one one disc! John teaches and illustrates each playing example through easy-to-follow close-up views of each hand. He slowly breaks down all the lesso