Lead Singer Tech From Pop To Rock Lvl 2 Dvd/cd

Lead Singer Tech From Pop To Rock Lvl 2 Dvd/cd

SKU : [14027242]
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Price : AU $45.95 AU $41.35
This product was updated in our catalog on Tuesday 01 January, 2019

Designed by renowned vocalist/instructor Breck Alan this program builds on the techniques learned in Pop to Rock Level 1. With this three-part learning system that includes DVD, Audio CD, and 24/7 online lesson support, men and women will learn to sing in their upper range with a wide range of tonal possibilities. Learn challenging voice techniques that focus on comfort and power with wide-ranging exercises that are immediately applicable to your singing. Learn to develop key vocal techniques like direction and anchoring of resonance, reflex oriented breath support, andBreck's famous warm-up routines.

Each Rock House product include s free lifetime membership to Rock House's online lesson support system.Enhance your learning experience, links with instructors, download back ing tracks, access message boards, and much more. You'll connect with a community of musicians around the world learning to play music using TheRock House Method.